I've been told "remember us when you're famous" by several people I know, especially after they heard I've written three books. But that is not my intentions.
My intentions is to have something out there for people to enjoy, to talk about, to wonder where in the heck the idea for that book came from. Not for fame and fortune.
After is a creation from love, love for my son. It became something fun and exciting when he moved away from writing to other things. Stolen is a continuation of that fun, and Vengeance will close out that trilogy. But, fear not, other books are in outlined form for those characters. Drayco, Shyanne, and Drizzle are too near and dear to my heart to let them end so suddenly.
Innocence Taken was a step out of the norm for me. I seldom swear, much less use the type of language used in that book. But it too was fun to write. It was a challenge. A challenge that forced me to step out of my comfort zone. And I feel I met that challenge. More books with Nature and Web are planned; and who knows, they may be just as graphic. Just make sure to keep all the lights on when you read them.
I have other ideas ready when the time arises for me to get to them. And as long as there are people who want to read my books, I will continue to write them. Even if people forget who I am, I will still write. For it is not my intention to be famous and without privacy. It is my intention to fulfill a dream, which I am doing...one book at a time.
Hugs to all my readers.
Find Janet here: http://www.janetdurbin.com/
And don't miss her great scifi/adventure book After!
Buy meHave you ever wondered what the world would be like if something created by the government escaped? What if it was a virus, a virus so deadly it killed incredibly fast? So fast that a cure was out of the question. What would you do?
Journey with me to find out how the twins, Shyanne and Drayco, handle the outcome of just such a virus, and how the world around them seems to have fallen back in time to an era before technology, an era where the sword rules.
The twins become separated shortly after the deaths stop. Over time, they begin looking for one another when the longing for family fills them. After they find each other, they learn that someone else is looking for them, as well. The Boss wants Shyanne badly. Why—they don't know—but they're going to find out.
With their animal companion, a genetically altered mountain lion named Drizzle, the twins embark on a cross-country journey. They encounter many obstacles along the way, but the worst is a mercenary named Ruben. He will stop at nothing to accomplish what he is paid to do, even if it involves killing his own men. Unfortunately, he succeeds in getting Shyanne.
Now Drayco must survive his biggest challenge, a challenge filled with pain and suffering, if he is to help his sister survive the Boss.
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