We have Linda Swift here to share about her writing and herself! Drop a comment to win a copy of her book, Single Status!
WP: What do you write?
L: I write a potpourri of genres – contemporary and historical fiction, short stories, poetry and articles.
WP: Why do you choose the genres you do?
L: I write whatever story clamors loudest to get out of my head, and it is not always the same genre or even what I had planned to write next.
WP: What made you first want to be a writer?
L: Reading wonderful books as a child sowed the seeds of wanting to write stories myself. I was an only child and I've had imaginary characters in my head since very early in my life.
WP: What inspires you?
L: I'm inspired by people and their lives, either those I have observed or those I've read about. I find historical people and events attract me now more than current situations.
WP: What kicks the brain into gear when you have writer’s block?
L: I indulge in what a writer friend calls "creative procrastination." I do busywork on the computer, write letters, organize files, or read other authors.
WP: Who is your favorite character you have created?
L: The one whose story I am currently working on. I relate to that character and suffer and rejoice with them and miss them when I finally let them go.
WP: Is there any genre you want to try, but haven’t yet?
L: I think I may try a Regency someday. I have read some recently that have more depth that those I previously read and that has inspired me to try my hand at it.
WP: What do you hope readers will take away from your stories?
L: I hope they will remember my characters as I remember some from books read long ago. I think this is the highest honor an author can achieve.
WP: What’s your latest news and do you have anything releasing soon?
L: I'm focusing on promoting the books I had released in 2011, especially Single Status which was a Whimsical publication. I am also getting some short stories ready for print.
WP: Where can we find you on the web?
L: You can visit my website at www.lindaswift.net or my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/home.php?clk_loc=5 or my author page on Amazon where you will also find all of my available books.